Frequently asked questions and answers.

The money inside a persons industry fund isn’t then directly “reinvested into the industry”. Each superfund then has a different mixture of investments generally into things like the stock market, international stock market, property, cash and fixed interest.

However, the industry you work in has very little to do with your attitude toward investing and ultimately your goals for retirement. Some people prefer a more conservative approach while others want to make sure their money is working as hard and safe as possible to ensure a comfortable retirement.

A default investment option is a “one size fits all” approach to investing. Generally, a “default set up” refers to a clients Superannuation that may have been set up initially by an employer and has since never been looked at. Most funds have these options as an easy way for the employer to organise their employees super. However it is not always the best option for the employee. Superannuation has evolved since it was established and now there are so many different options. Some default set ups underperform against the standard needed to achieve a comfortable and sustainable retirement. Also everyone’s situation is different. You must make sure that you have the right options in place to suit your balance size, age, risk profile and your financial goals. The best way to know how your super is tracking is to get in touch and one of our experts will explain what options are available to improve your specific situation.

We understand most Australians don’t see their super as a problem. But unfortunately they didn’t teach any of us in school much about what to look for in a superfund. What makes a fund great or poor. We generally boil it down to three things: Fees, Returns, Risk.

There are many different types of fees you are currently paying that come out of your superannuation fund. Admin, Management Expense Ratios, Indirect Cost Ratios and Insurance Premiums to name a few. Most Australians don’t realise that on their statement generally it just reports the admin fee and insurances but what about the other costs to run the fund? Our experts will be able to outline exactly what the costs are that you may not be aware of.

Returns vary. What may have been a great performing fund a few years ago might now be underperforming. Just like what might be the best option today might not be forever. That is why it is essential to review your super frequently to make sure your strategy is still performing and you aren’t falling behind.

If you had $50,000 out of your pocket invested you would probably know where every single cent is. However do you know what your superannuation is invested in or how much risk and exposure to the markets you are currently taking? Most Australians don’t know how their superannuation is invested.

The worst case scenario after the review is that your super is working properly and nothing changes. At least then you have peace of mind knowing that you’re doing the right things. The best case scenario is that a small adjustment today means you don’t have to work for as long and can retire earlier, or with a lot more than you currently are. Find out today how your superfund works and what can be done to improve it.

Superannuation acts as a tax efficient way for an individual to build wealth for their retirement. Your employer will then regularly contribute into your nominated fund and you can do additional contributions to top it off yourself too. This superannuation money is then invested on your behalf with the other members of the fund by the investment fund managers. The purpose of superannuation is to provide Australians a “safety net” or “nest egg” so you have money to live off come retirement time down the track.

Working over the phone is highly efficient for everyone. Even before COVID-19 we found we can help even more people Australia wide at a lower cost than organising back to back face to face meetings. With our extended working hours and flexibility, everyday Australians that usually wouldn’t have time in the day now have the opportunity to speak with a financial advisor at no cost and with no obligations. We understand this modern approach may not be for everyone however most of our clients find our process simple, easy and convenient.

Nothing. At Super Experts there is no out of pocket expense for getting your super reviewed. Our fees will vary depending on what is recommended for you. Any fee will be explained clearly once we have an understanding of your particular situation and before you decide to proceed with the advice. Even when a client takes the advice after the review our fees are paid from your superfund if you decide to initiate the recommendations provided.

Traditionally getting advice around your specific financial situation could incur an out of pocket expense before any work or analysis would commence. We are the opposite. We are passionate about helping people so we ask for no money unless we can deliver a result and strategy the client is satisfied with. Worst case scenario you will learn more about your own super, which is a good thing to do. Best case scenario you’re on track for a better future and it’s paid out of money you can’t even touch until retirement anyway.

Generally it is a good idea to consolidate your super. However it is not as simple as picking the fund you like best, there are other things to consider like your insurance options, the risk of the fund you choose, the fees and the performance of the fund. If consolidating is done incorrectly it can be extremely costly and sometimes irreversible. Most people don’t have the time or willingness to do all they analysis and comparing by themselves, especially with thousands of options available today. Everyone’s situation is different. This means everybody’s super should be set up differently to suit the individuals needs and desires. Generally you will be far better off using a professional to get a better result than trying to figure it out on your own accord. This applies to everything from fixing your car, building a house to consolidating and reviewing your superannuation.

Traditionally getting advice around your specific financial situation could incur an out of pocket expense before any work or analysis would commence. We are the opposite. We are passionate about helping people so we ask for no money unless we can deliver a result and strategy the client is satisfied with. Worst case scenario you will learn more about your own super, which is a good thing to do. Best case scenario you’re on track for a better future and it’s paid out of money you can’t even touch until retirement anyway.

Without understanding which fund your currently in, it is impossible to say. However keep in mind it is extremely common for super funds to only advise and recommend their own products and nothing outside of this. With hundreds of funds and thousands of investment options how can you be sure that this is the best recommendation for your situation? At Super Experts we are not aligned to any banks or superfund so we only provide advice for what’s actually in your best interest, not the best interest of the super funds.

Traditionally getting advice around your specific financial situation could incur an out of pocket expense before any work or analysis would commence. We are the opposite. We are passionate about helping people so we ask for no money unless we can deliver a result and strategy the client is satisfied with. Worst case scenario you will learn more about your own super, which is a good thing to do. Best case scenario you’re on track for a better future and it’s paid out of money you can’t even touch until retirement anyway.

Almost half of the advisors around Australia are in some way aligned to a bank or a superfund which means it can be hard to know if their advice is genuinely unbiased.

Traditionally getting advice around your specific financial situation could incur an out of pocket expense before any work or analysis would commence. We are the opposite. We are passionate about helping people so we ask for no money unless we can deliver a result and strategy the client is satisfied with. Worst case scenario you will learn more about your own super, which is a good thing to do. Best case scenario you’re on track for a better future and it’s paid out of money you can’t even touch until retirement anyway.

Yes, Super Experts Pty Ltd is a regulated and legitimate Australian company. Super Experts Pty Ltd (ABN 25 658 602 816)

Traditionally getting advice around your specific financial situation could incur an out of pocket expense before any work or analysis would commence. We are the opposite. We are passionate about helping people so we ask for no money unless we can deliver a result and strategy the client is satisfied with. Worst case scenario you will learn more about your own super, which is a good thing to do. Best case scenario you’re on track for a better future and it’s paid out of money you can’t even touch until retirement anyway.