At Super Experts we have a range of different services to discuss. Whether it is speaking about investment properties, refinancing your mortgage or having a default against your name, we can identify the problem and put you in touch with an expert in that particular field.

Review and Comparison

A complimentary review and comparison of your super fund setup. Our team of experts can explain how your super is invested, what fees you’re currently getting charged and ultimately what your on track to retire with. We can then figure out and explain what options would best suit you to maximise your superannuation.

Unfortunately most Australians didn’t pick their own superfund. Generally they are put in the “default investment option” which can perform below the standard needed to enjoy a comfortable retirement.

Find your lost super

Have you worked more than one job? Maybe you have super in an old fund. Our experts can track down any lost funds and help consolidate your super to make it easier to manage and track.

Have you had a name change?

Some funds can make it difficult to consolidate super funds if you have been married, divorced or have changed your name and haven’t updated it with the fund. Our experts can help find where these funds are and consolidate them into your current legal name so you can access your fund at retirement.

Refinance your mortgage

When was the last time you looked at your interest rate? Unfortunately a lot of Australians are paying more than they should be on their repayments. These extra funds can be put back into the property to pay it off earlier or kept as additional income for yourself. Talk to one of our experts about saving money on your mortgage today.

Investment property

Buying an investment property could be a great way to assist with your wealth creation outside of your superannuation. We work closely with developers and investment property experts that can help understand and matchmake your ideal investment. They’ll guide you through the process from the very beginning including identifying the ideal loan structure, applying for the loan, step by step to ensure a smooth and stress free process. Talk to one of our experts about investment properties today.

Personal Investment

Have some extra money that you aren’t sure what to do with? Thinking of getting into Stocks, ETF’s, Bonds, Debentures or just need more guidance on what options are available to you? Speak with one of our experts and we can better understand your goals to put you in the right direction.

Bad credit

Have you been knocked back recently when going for a loan due to bad credit rating?
We work closely with Credit Repair companies that may be able to assist with removing defaults that are on your name holding you back from a loan.

If you have any questions about these services or feel that some apply to you, feel free to get in touch and one of our experts will be able to have a look for you.

Contact Info

  • Location:

    Level 3, 349 Coronation Drive, Milton QLD 4064

  • Email:

  • Phone:

    1300 554 604

  • Contact Hours:

    Monday to Friday: 9am - 6pm
    Saturday: 10am - 2pm
    Sunday: Closed

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